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Document Type : Original Article


Department of Textile Engineering, Yazd University, Yazd, Iran


Fabric compressibility has a significant effect on the application, comfort, quality, and thermal properties of the fabric. Lateral compression affects the diameter of the yarns and fabric density, which causes a change in the cover factor (CF). The purpose of this paper is to investigate fabric compressibility, the cover factor, and the cover factor variation in compressed states. In this research, woven fabrics were produced with different weft density and different weft materials (polyester and viscose). The compression test was conducted at different speeds and the fabric was filmed at the same time. The density and the diameter of the warp and weft yarns, as well as the CF were extracted by image processing using video pictures. Then the fabric compressibility, CF, and CF Variation (CFV) were modeled using the response surface method (RSM). The results obtained in the study clearly showed these models are acceptable with a high Correlation. According to this model, with increasing pressure and decreasing density, fabric compressibility and CFV often increase. The compression variation range and CF were greater in polyester fabrics than in viscose fabrics by changing weft density.


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